Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Presentation Ideas

For my presentation, i will either use Prezi or a Post-it note video. I haven't decided yet which one i will use for definite!

Monday, 28 March 2011

dps final - after chaning colour

After thinking about my DPS for a while, i decided to change the colour of the font. I chose pink as both girls in the picture have tops with pink tones in. I also changed it, as the orange would not run through the whole entire magazine, i think it just works better in another colour.

dps final

I then started work on my DPS, i thought i should stick the the new theme of orange writing. I used the same font from the front cover again on the DPS to keep the continuity. I decided to have an interview on my DPS as it helps to give information about the artist and what they do. I like the way my DPS has turned out.

Friday, 25 March 2011

contents after editing it.

After rethinking and changing my idea of my front cover, i rethought my idea of my contents. I knew that the bottom half was confusing, so i did some research of many magazines, some to do with music and some not. I thought by laying it out as i did with the number in large at the top, then the title of the page underneath, underlined then a small description of what the page will be about, it will effectively work and i think it did! I changed from having 3 smaller images of the contents, to 1 large images, that shows more detail and facial expressions. I really think this contents page works and is alot better than my first attempt.

New final front cover - after changing

After restarting, i felt i needed some inspiration - which is when "The Fly" came into mind. I browsed through a few of there magazines and saw how they presented ideas and used all different fonts for different parts. The top half of the magazine, is the regular stuff - masthead, price, date and issue number. As you go further down the font changes, to a bold stencil capital font, this shows that these parts are main stories. I think my new final idea, is alot better than the first.

After speaking to Miss Bostock, it was decided my front cover needed a bit of colour. So this is why i changed the white writing all to orange! I completely restarted again, to give myself a blank page to work with, i made the masthead bigger. i think the orange works alot better than white and will stand out from other competing magazines!

Wednesday, 9 March 2011


This is the final for my contents. Putting it next to my front cover, you can see how i have kept the theme similar - colour, pictures and font. I do think i could possibly change the way the bottom half is set out, it could be seen as confusing and the numbers are placed weirdly. Overall i am happy with my finished contents page.

stories for contents page,

Adding other pictures to contents page

This is showing the use of Photoshop when i added photos and text onto my contents page. It shows how i used the continuous colour scheme and font throughout both front cover and contents.

Deciding on contents writing

This shows the editing stages of my Contents page. I kept the idea of the masthead on the contents but couldn't decide if to use capitals or not on the word "contents". Documenting this helped me to see how i worked up to my final idea.

Friday, 4 March 2011

Final Front cover - unsigned

After checking everything on my magazine several times, i noticed i forgot to include the price! So this is just the same as before but with the price included under the issue number and date.
with price!

Front Cover - unsigned

This was my first idea for my front cover, as you can see i blocked out the background of the right hand side and i also brightened the picture so they two girls stand out more. I used a large masthead, and use a small font for the rest of the text. I thought it was a good idea to stick to one font as it kept it all together and it makes it look like the same magazine. I only have two story's on my front cover but i think if it had anymore it may be a bit too crowded.

final photo for magazine cover.

This was the photo i decided to use for my front cover, i chose this as both people were staring into the camera - i also thought it was a good photo to use as they have different facial expressions. This could be seen as good or bad, but i think it works well. i knew there was some things i would have to change on Photoshop (the right side of the background) as it distracts you from the main subject of the picture. The photograph also works well as it shows one of the members holding a guitar, giving an impression of what they do and that she plays.